Welcome to Sure Snap Fire Collars UK
Working hand in hand with industry to make passive fire solutions easy and absolutely effective.
The Purpose of Fire Collars
When a building element is penetrated by a service of any kind, fire protection of the opening created is required to prevent the spread of flame from one floor to another or between neighbouring apartments. This is the basis of fire compartmentation.
A fire collar is a device designed to protect openings penetrated by plastic and composite plastic pipes. It must be fire-rated through a test at an accredited laboratory.
Sure Snap Fire collars are cast into an element, and they are designed to maintain the fire resistance level of the building element into which they are incorporated.
For example, if a concrete slab must be able to resist the passage of flames for three hours as mandated by the local building codes, then, in the event of a fire, a fire collar must be able to prevent flames and heat passing through the hole around which it is installed for at least three hours.